Most parents and caregivers would agree that raising a child isn’t always a walk in the park. Navigating emotional, physical and behavioural needs, as well as setting boundaries, can be daunting, and at times, challenging. 

The objective of this journey is to help you make sense of what your child is really asking from you, in an effort to strengthen the connection and promote security with your children. It also offers insight on ways to manage your own struggles around certain attachment needs, as well as find respectful ways to set boundaries.

We help parents shift the focus away from trying to change undesirable behaviours with rewards and punishments, to viewing behaviour as a means of communicating a need. Behind every behaviour there is a need, and through effectively reading your child’s cue, you’ll be able to focus on meeting those needs. 

As registered facilitators of the Circle of Security® Parenting™ Program, we utilise the COSP™ model to foster security as a base for relationships; ones promoting increased social competence, effective emotional regulation and positive attachment associations. 


Our goal is to encourage parent-child relationships which support exploration, learning, growth and positive relationship building; all essential skills for life-long success.

Based on decades of research, this journey concentrates specifically on:

- Building a strong relationship with your children.
- Understanding their emotional needs.
- Enhancing their self-esteem.
- Supporting their ability to manage emotions.
- Amplifying trust and creating an environment where they feel confident and secure.


Our Circle of Security® Parenting™ journey, consists of:

• 9 weeks, meeting each week for 2 hours (in-person or online)
• Personal Journal
• Access to our Online Private Facebook Parenting Community
• Certificate of Attendance

- Following COVID guidelines, we are currently offering limited spaces for our in-person programs.

Circle of security journey singapore inner care